London : printed for A. Strahan; T. Cadell in the Strand; and W. Creech, Edinburgh,, 1787
Библиографическое описание
Burns, Robert (1759-1796). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect / by Robert Burns. — 3d. ed. — London : printed for A. Strahan; T. Cadell in the Strand; and W. Creech, Edinburgh,, 1787. — XLVIII с, с. 14-372, 1 л. потрт. : 22 см.
## $a: Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect $c: by Robert Burns
## $a: 3d. ed.
## $a: London $b: printed for A. Strahan; T. Cadell in the Strand; and W. Creech, Edinburgh, $c: 1787
## $a: XLVIII с, с. 14-372, 1 л. потрт. $c: 22 см
## $a: Портр. авт. - грав. на меди I. Beugo
## $a: Ex-libris: Alexander Crichton
## $a: Надписи на книге: I. На тит. л.: Pal. Crichton. II. На шмуцтитуле: To William Crichton M. D. eith the sake of his affectionale father. P. C. III. На обратной стороне задней крышки переплета: Sublime monumental suscription. - To the memory of mr. John Tibbs Hosion. this marble is erected by his faithful, lawing, affectionale wife Anne Nibbs. He left his Hose! his Anna! et his Lave, to sing Hose! Anna! in the realms... abave! 1804
## $a: Указ.
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