Studia patristica / edited by Kurt Aland and F. L. Cross Papers presented to the Third International conference on patristic studies held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1959. Pt. 2. Biblica, patres apostolici, historica
Studia patristica / edited by Kurt Aland and F. L. Cross Papers presented to the Third International conference on patristic studies held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1959. Pt. 2. Biblica, patres apostolici, historica
Studia patristica / edited by Kurt Aland and F. L. Cross. Papers presented to the Third International conference on patristic studies held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1959. Pt. 2. Biblica, patres apostolici, historica / edited by F. L. Cross. — Berlin : Akad. Verl., 1957-, 1961. — VIII, 531 с. — (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur / Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Insitut für griechisch-römische Altertumskunde, Kommission für spätantike Religionsgeschichte).
Studia patristica / edited by Kurt Aland and F. L. Cross Papers presented to the Third International conference on patristic studies held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1959. Pt. 2. Biblica, patres apostolici, historica
## $a: Papers presented to the Third International conference on patristic studies held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1959. Pt. 2. Biblica, patres apostolici, historica $c: edited by F. L. Cross
## $c: 1961
## $c: VIII, 531 с.
## $a: Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur / Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Insitut für griechisch-römische Altertumskunde, Kommission für spätantike Religionsgeschichte $v: Bd. 79
## $a: Указ. перед текстом.
## $a: Текст англ., нем., фр.
#1 $7: nnam $t: Studia patristica / edited by Kurt Aland and F. L. Cross $d: Berlin : Akad. Verl., 1957- $g: Vol. 4, pt. 2 $w: 010419461
## $a: РГБ $b: FB $c: D15S $j: F 110/20 $x: 90
## $a: UP $b: 010419461 $l: RSL01 $n: Studia patristica $m: Papers presented to the Third International conference on patristic studies held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1959. Pt. 2. Biblica, patres apostolici, historica
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