From experience to innovation. IEA '97 : proceedings of the 13th Triennial congress of the International ergonomics association, June 29 - July 4, 1997, Tampere, Finland / organizers: IEA International ergonomics association etc. ; editors: Pentti Seppälä et al. Education and training. Small industries, countries in transition. Theories and methodologies. Miscellaneous
From experience to innovation. IEA '97 : proceedings of the 13th Triennial congress of the International ergonomics association, June 29 - July 4, 1997, Tampere, Finland / organizers: IEA International ergonomics association etc. ; editors: Pentti Seppälä et al. Education and training. Small industries, countries in transition. Theories and methodologies. Miscellaneous
From experience to innovation. IEA '97 : proceedings of the 13th Triennial congress of the International ergonomics association, June 29 - July 4, 1997, Tampere, Finland / organizers: IEA International ergonomics association [etc.] ; editors: Pentti Seppälä [et al.]. Education and training. Small industries, countries in transition. Theories and methodologies. Miscellaneous. — Helsinki : Finnish institute of occupational health, 1997, 1997. — XII, 607 с. : ил..; ISBN 951-802-197-X.
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From experience to innovation. IEA '97 : proceedings of the 13th Triennial congress of the International ergonomics association, June 29 - July 4, 1997, Tampere, Finland / organizers: IEA International ergonomics association etc. ; editors: Pentti Seppälä et al. Education and training. Small industries, countries in transition. Theories and methodologies. Miscellaneous
## $a: Education and training. Small industries, countries in transition. Theories and methodologies. Miscellaneous
## $c: 1997
## $a: XII, 607 с. $b: ил.
## $a: Текст (визуальный)
## $a: непосредственный
## $a: Указ.: с. 591-607
## $a: Библиогр. в конце докл.
#1 $7: nnam $t: From experience to innovation. IEA '97 : proceedings of the 13th Triennial congress of the International ergonomics association, June 29 - July 4, 1997, Tampere, Finland / organizers: IEA International ergonomics association [etc.] ; editors: Pentti Seppälä [et al.] $d: Helsinki : Finnish institute of occupational health, 1997 $g: Vol. 7 $w: 011606789
## $a: РГБ $b: FB $j: 39 24/76 $x: 90
## $a: UP $b: 11606789 $l: RSL01 $m: Education and training. Small industries, countries in transition. Theories and methodologies. Miscellaneous $n: From experience to innovation. IEA '97 : proceedings of the 13th Triennial congress of the International ergonomics association, June 29 - July 4, 1997, Tampere, Finland
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