Regnum vegetabile : A ser. of publ. for the use of plant taxonomists / Publ. under the auspices of the Intern. assoc. for plant taxonomy. — Utrecht, The Hague : Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema ;, Junk, 1953 -. — 24 см.
## $a: В подзаг.: Vol. 1 A series of handbooks for the use of plant taxonomists and plant geographers ; Vol. 21 и др. A ser. of publ. for the use of plant taxonomists a. plant geographers
## $a: Место изд. Vol. 103-____ : Utrecht: Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema; The Hague: Junk
## $a: Место изд. Vol. 126 : Königstein
## $a: Изд-во Vol. 21 и др. : Intern. bureau for plant taxonomy a. nomenclature of the Intern. assoc. for plant taxonomy
## $a: Изд-во Vol. 126 : Koeltz sci. books for the Intern. assoc. for plant taxonomy, :80 Oosthoek
## $a: Vol. 21 Надзаг. не указан
## $a: В подзаг. Vol. 103-____ : A ser. of publ. for the use of plant taxonomists
1# $a: International association for plant taxonomy
1# $a: International bureau for plant taxonomy and nomenclature
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