A sketch drawn from the records of the British factory at St. Petersburg and designed to elucidate the history of that body, from 1716 to 1824 .... — London : printed by J. F. Dove, St. John's square, 1824. — 40 с. : 8° (19 см).
#1 $a: A sketch drawn from the records of the British factory at St. Petersburg and designed to elucidate the history of that body, from 1716 to 1824 ...
## $a: London $b: printed by J. F. Dove, St. John's square $c: 1824
## $a: ANA $b: 10142814 $l: RSL01 $m: A sketch drawn from the records of the British factory at St. Petersburg and designed to elucidate the history of that body, from 1716 to 1824 ... $n: Посольство голландцев Алберта Бурга и Иоанна фан Фельтдриля в 1630 году [конволют]
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