Swedenborg E. Arcana Coelestia : or heavenly mysteries contained in the sacred scriptures, or Word of the Lord, manifested and laid open : beginning with the book of Genesis : interspersed with relations of wonderfil things, seen in the world of spirits and the heaven of angels Printed by W.D. Varey : by H. Hodson, 1820Российская государственная библиотека (РГБ)
Swedenborg E. The wisdom of angels concerning divine love and divine wisdom : London: Printed and sold for the Society for printing and publishing the works of Emanuel Swedenborg, 1816Российская государственная библиотека (РГБ)
Swedenborg E. A new and comprehensive dictionary of correspondences, representatives, and significatives, contained in the Word of the Lord : arranged under distinct heads, with proper references. Including a full explanation of each article, or subject, with the reason, cause, and ground of its signification. The whole being an infallible key to the internal sense of the Holy Word, and an universal system of evangelical theology London : printed by J. Bonsor, 1800Российская государственная библиотека (РГБ)
Swedenborg E. Concerning the Earth in our solar system which are called planets and concerning the Earths in the starry heavens together with an account of their inhabitants and also of the spirits and angels there from what hath been seen and heard : Originally published in 1758 London : W. Simpkin, R. Marshall, 1828Российская государственная библиотека (РГБ)
Swedenborg E. The doctrine of the New Jerusalem on the subject of faith London : Hodson, 1825Российская государственная библиотека (РГБ)
Swedenborg E. The doctrine of life for the New Jerusalem, from the commandements of the Decalogue London : Printed by J.S. Hodson, 1825Российская государственная библиотека (РГБ)
Swedenborg E. Arcana Coelestia : or heavenly mysteries contained in the sacres scriptures, or the Word of the Lord, manifested and laid open : beginning with the book of Genesis : interspersed with relations of wonderful things seen in the world of spirits and the heaven of angels : Printed for J. & E. Hodson, 1808Российская государственная библиотека (РГБ)
Swedenborg E. Arcana Celestia : or heavenly mysteries contained in the sacred Scriptures, or Word of the Lord, manifested and laid open, beginning with the book of Genesis : interspersed with relations of wonderful things seen in the World of Spirits and the Heaven of Angels : Printed by J. Cleave, 1816Российская государственная библиотека (РГБ)
Swedenborg E. Abrége des ouvrages d'Em. Swédenborg : Contenant: la doktrine de Nouvelle Jerusalem-céleste, précédé d'un discours où l'on examine la vie de l'auteur, le genre de ses écrits, et leur rapport au temps présent A Stockholm : s. n., 1788Российская государственная библиотека (РГБ)
Swedenborg E. Du commerce établi entre l'ame et le corps ou traité de la liaison qui subsiste entre le spirituel et le matériel : Fidèlement rendu du latin d'Emanuel de Swedenborg. par le traducteur de la Nouvelle Jérusalem et de sa céleste doctrine Londres, Haye : Chez la Societé typographique, Chez Cosse, 1785Российская государственная библиотека (РГБ)
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