Kyushu institute of technology (Tobata). Bulletin of the Kyushu institute of technology. Pure and applied mathematics. № 59 [Текст]. — Tobata : Kyushu inst. of technology, Fac. of engineering, 1958-, 2012. — 19, [2] с..
11 $7: c2as $a: Kyushu institute of technology (Tobata) $t: Bulletin of the Kyushu institute of technology. Pure and applied mathematics $d: Tobata : Kyushu inst. of technology, Fac. of engineering, 1958- $g: № 59 $x: 1343-8670 $w: 2515832
1# $a: РГБ $b: FB $c: D03S $j: 25 14/29-3 $x: 90
## $a: UP $b: 2515832 $l: RSL01 $m: № 59 $n: Bulletin of the Kyushu institute of technology. Pure and applied mathematics
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