The hydrographical surreys of the general hydrographic administration of the USSR navy during 1915-1925, and some other geographical work in the U.S.S.R.
The hydrographical surreys of the general hydrographic administration of the USSR navy during 1915-1925, and some other geographical work in the U.S.S.R.
Шокальский, Юлий Михайлович. The hydrographical surreys of the general hydrographic administration of the USSR navy during 1915-1925, and some other geographical work in the U.S.S.R. / By J. Schokalsky. — [Edinburgh : Б. и., 1926]. — [3] с. : 24 см..
The hydrographical surreys of the general hydrographic administration of the USSR navy during 1915-1925, and some other geographical work in the U.S.S.R.
## $a: The hydrographical surreys of the general hydrographic administration of the USSR navy during 1915-1925, and some other geographical work in the U.S.S.R. $c: By J. Schokalsky
## $a: [Edinburgh $b: Б. и. $c: 1926]
## $a: [3] с. $c: 24 см.
## $a: Reprinted from "The Scottish geographical magazine, vol. XLII", 1926. pp. 23-25 $5: RuMoRGB
1# $a: РГБ $b: FB $c: D19N $j: V 302/175 $x: 90
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