Версия для слепых
Royal correspondence of the Assyrian Empire Текст : translation into English, with a transliteration of the text and a commentary : P. 1-4 / by Leroy Waterman Translation and transliteration
Royal correspondence of the Assyrian Empire Текст : translation into English, with a transliteration of the text and a commentary : P. 1-4 / by Leroy Waterman Translation and transliteration

Royal correspondence of the Assyrian Empire Текст : translation into English, with a transliteration of the text and a commentary : P. 1-4 / by Leroy Waterman Translation and transliteration

Год издания

Описание документа

Код документа в НЭБ
Waterman, Leroy (1875-1972)
Royal correspondence of the Assyrian Empire Текст : translation into English, with a transliteration of the text and a commentary : P. 1-4 / by Leroy Waterman Translation and transliteration
Год издания
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