Geography, environment, sustainability [Текст] : scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal / founders of the journal: Faculty of Geography, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow state university and Institute of geography of the Russian academy of sciences. — Moscow : Russian geographical society, 2008-. — 24 см.
## $a: Geography, environment, sustainability $h: [Текст] : $b: scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal $c: founders of the journal: Faculty of Geography, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow state university and Institute of geography of the Russian academy of sciences
## $a: Moscow $b: Russian geographical society $c: 2008-
## $c: 24 см
## $a: 2008-
## $a: В подзаг.: 2008- Socially scientific journal ; 2018- Scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal
#1 $a: Науки о Земле -- Географические науки -- Журналы $2: rubbk
1# $a: Институт географии (Москва)
1# $a: РГБ $b: FB $c: D01S $j: 43 138/39 $x: 90
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