The Geographical journal : GJ / Royal geographical society. Third general index to the Geographical journal. Volumes 41 to 60. 1913 to 1922 : compiled by order of the Council. — Oxford : Blackwell, 1893-, 1930. — XX, 351 с..
## $a: Third general index to the Geographical journal. Volumes 41 to 60. 1913 to 1922 : $b: compiled by order of the Council
## $c: 1930
## $a: XX, 351 с.
## $a: Текст (визуальный)
## $a: непосредственный
#1 $a: Науки о Земле -- Географические науки -- Журналы $2: rubbk
11 $7: nnas $t: The Geographical journal : GJ / Royal geographical society $d: Oxford : Blackwell, 1893- $x: 0016-7398 $g: Third general index to the Geographical journal. Volumes 41 to 60. 1913 to 1922 $w: 004130848
## $a: UP $b: 004130848 $l: RSL01 $m: Third general index to the Geographical journal. Volumes 41 to 60. 1913 to 1922 : compiled by order of the Council $n: The Geographical journal : GJ
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