New books in German : a selection from Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Spring 2015. — Norwich : British centre for literary translation, Univ. of East Anglia, 2015-, 2015. — 40 с. : ил., портр..
#1 $7: nnam $t: New books in German : a selection from Austria, Germany and Switzerland $d: Norwich : British centre for literary translation, Univ. of East Anglia, 2015- $g: Iss. 37 $w: 011692546
1# $a: РГБ $b: FB $c: D15N $j: 15 23-4/21 $x: 90
## $a: UP $b: 011692546 $l: RSL01 $m: Spring 2015 $n: New books in German : a selection from Austria, Germany and Switzerland
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