International federation of library associations and institutions. IFLA publications / IFLA. Guide to the availability of theses : compiled for the Section of University Libraries and other General Research Libraries. — München etc. : Saur, 1974- — München : Saur, [1981-]. — 21 см — (IFLA publications / IFLA).
## $a: Guide to the availability of theses : $b: compiled for the Section of University Libraries and other General Research Libraries
## $a: München $b: Saur $c: [1981-]
## $c: 21 см
## $a: IFLA publications / IFLA $v: ...
## $a: Указ.: в конце томов
1# $a: International federation of library associations and institutions
11 $7: c2as $a: International federation of library associations and institutions $t: IFLA publications / IFLA $d: München etc. : Saur, 1974- $x: 0344-6891 $g: Guide to the availability of theses : $w: 000854192
## $a: UP $b: 000854192 $l: RSL01 $m: Guide to the availability of theses : compiled for the Section of University Libraries and other General Research Libraries $n: IFLA publications
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